Previous Conferences



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Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Dr Dorothy Thompson, Great Ormond Street, London

Trimble – Mr Ramesh Kekunnaya, LV Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad



BIPOSA in the northeast took place at Newcastle Quayside in the Hilton Hotel from 02nd – 04th October 2024. It was organised by Lawrence Gnanaraj from Sunderland and Alan Connor from Newcastle.

Over 350 delegates attended over three days. We were treated to sessions on ocular surface disease, paediatric retinal disease, Tiny Eye Problems, Mechanical strabismus, Medically unexplained visual loss, strabismus surgery complications, upskilling the ophthalmic workforce, debates as well as free papers, rapid fire presentations and paper posters displays.

The social programme included a reception at the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Arts, dinner and disco at the Biscuit Factory, and a 5km run along the banks of the Tyne.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof Jungoo Rahi, Institute of Child Health, UK
Trimble – Dr Kyle Arnoldi CO, Buffalo, New York



London 2023 took place at the Royal Society of Medicine with dinner at the House of Commons hosted by Lord Michael Cashman. As we reflect on the success of London 2023, where 500 delegates attended over the three days with sessions on current/future work on management of inherited retinal and optic nerve disease, surgical approach to nystagmus and thyroid eye disease. Keynote talks: Prof Stacy Pineles’ work on the functional burden of paediatric eye disease brought home the importance of our work, and Mr Tony Vivian provided fascinating evolutionary theory and practical surgical advice on the superior oblique complex.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Dr Stacey Pineles, USA
Trimble – Mr Anthony Vivian, Cambridge



BIPOSA in Bristol took place in the Marriott Hotel from 28th – 30th September 2022. It was organised by Cathy Williams and Richard Harrad from the Bristol Eye Hospital.

The social programme included a reception on the terrace, a 5k city run and dinner at the iconic SS Great Britain. Over 350 delegates attended over three days. We were treated to sessions on genetics, paediatric cataracts, Cerebral Visual Impairment, strabismus surgery and ptosis. Tania Constable and Siegfried Wagner won the best paper prizes.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Miss Gill Adams, UK
Trimble – Dr Elizabth Engle, Boston



2020 and 2021 were dominated by the effects of Covid-19. All lives were profoundly affected by this pandemic none more so than those working across healthcare. BIPOSA’s face to face meetings were cancelled. In 2021 we held two half day virtual meetings on 6th and 8th October with over 400 participants. Key topics were: Paediatric Neuro ophthalmology, Improving Access to care, Life after Covid. Our keynote speaker was Linda Dagi Director, Paediastric Strabismus Service at Boston Children’s Hospital. Janice Hoole, Orthopitst at Leeds won and Elspeth Green, trainee at Manchester won the two prizes for best papers

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – n/a
Trimble – Dr Linda Dagi, Boston



BIPOSA in Edinburgh took place at the Assembly Rooms from 2nd to 4th October 2019. It was organised by Alan Mulivill.

We had a fantastic few days in this fabulous, historic city. The social programme included a reception, a 5k city run and dinner at Dynamic Earth featuring a traditional scottish piper. Over 430 delegates attended over three days, making this one of the highest attended ophthalmic meetings in the UK. We received 151 abstract submissions. 52 free papers were presented and 60 eposters displayed. Lana Fu, Manchester and Helen Kuht, Leicester won the free paper prizes

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof Assim Ali, USA
Trimble – Prof Anita Simmers, UK



BIPOSA in Manchester took place at the Hilton Hotel 02-04 October 2018.  It was chaired by Miss Jane Ashworth (Manchester Royal Eye Hospital). The Manchester meeting was the best attended BIPOSA meeting with over 420 people attending over three days. Delegates were treated to panoramic views of Manchester in the Hilton’s sky bar, and enjoyed a 5k run and dinner at the Museum of Science Industry alongside Stephenson’s Rocket! A total of  60 free papers were presented and 58 e-posters displayed.  The free paper winners were Miss Duret & Miss Ramanujam from the University of Cambridge & Dr Alexandra Robertston, GOSH/UCL

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof Chris Lloyd, London
Trimble – Dr Mike Brodsky, USA



BIPOSA in Hull took place at the City Hall from 17th to 19th September 2017. It was organised by Usman Mahmood, Rajnish Sekhri & Mohammed Maqsud (Hull & East Yorkshire Eye Hospital). Hull was the 2017 City of Culture, and we treated delegates to some of the fantastic sites the city has to offer. The social program included an evening walk around the old town with tour guide Paul Schofield, a reception at the Ferens Art Gallery, a 5k city run, a tour and dinner at The Deep, the world’s largest submarium. A total of 316 delegates attended over three days. 58 free papers were presented and 52 eposters displayed. The free paper winners were Dr Sohaib Rufai and Miss Jessica Howes.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof. Elias Traboulsi, USA
Trimble – Prof Irene Gottlob, Leicester



The BIPOSA Annual Conference took place at the Printworks Dublin Castle on 12th – 14th October 2016. It was organised by Donal Brosnahan (Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin). The social program included a reception and tour of Dublin Castle, Irish dancing and traditional Irish music at the world famous Gravity Bar, Guinness Factory St James’s Gate. A total of 349 delegates attended over three days. 47 free papers were presented and 60 eposters displayed. The free paper winners were Anne Marie Hinds and Moritz Daniel.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof Sir Peng Khaw, UK
Trimble – Dr Tony Norcia, USA



BIPOSA in Cardiff was held from from 23rd – 25th September 2015 at the Mercure Park Hotel. It was organised by Patrick Watts (University Hospital of Wales). The social program included a morning run around the beautiful Bute Park, a lively reception with music from Richard Harris, and on Thursday evening fine dining at Cardiff Castle followed by dancing to a swing jazz band. A total of 278 delegates attended over three days. 42 free papers were presented and 30 eposters displayed.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Dr Carol Shields, USA
Trimble – Mr Ian Marsh, Liverpool



The BIPOSA Annual Conference took place on 17th to 19th September 2014 at the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham. It was organised by Manoj Parulekar, Laura Ramm & Joe Abbott (Birmingham Children’s Hospital). The social program included a guided walk with botanists in the gardens, an early morning run around the gardens on Thursday morning, and an indian themed night with bhangra dancing at the iconic Council House. A total of 356 delegates attended over three days. 32 free papers were presented and 48 eposters displayed.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Prof John Elston, UK
Trimble – Dr Agnes Wong, Canada



The BIPOSA Annual Conference took place on 02nd to 04th October 2013 at the Met Hotel in Leeds. It was organised by Vernon Long, Lorna Pankethman & Tess Garretty (St James’s University Hospital, Leeds). The social program included a guided tour of leeds “dirty old town”, and a gala dinner with disco at events venue “Aspire”. A total of 303 delegates attended over three days. 74 free papers were presented and 38 eposters displayed.

Our Keynote Speakers

Worth – Dr Michael Repka, USA
Trimble – Dr Anna Horwood, Reading