Prizes and awards

BIPOSA’s charitable support

BIPOSA exists to advance education in the subject of eye conditions and diseases in children and in people with ocular motility problems for the public benefit. To encourage research and advance education the charity makes a variety of awards throughout the year to enable orthoptists, trainee doctors and early career researchers to undertake research and disseminate their results to a wider public

Presentation Prizes

To enourage early career researchers, orthoptists, trainee doctors and medical students to undertake research into paediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, BIPOSA is offering four free paper presentation awards of £500 each.

Abstracts accepted as a free paper (not rapid fire) will be considered for one of the presentation prizes on offer – there are two categories of prize: two for medics in training and two for early career orthoptists (5 years or less qualified) or early career non-medic researchers.

Please provide your qualifying details on the abstract submission form

Poster prize

The prize is for the best paper poster displayed at the BIPOSA annual meeting.

The prize is for £500

Tips and guidance for producing your paper poster

Squint Forum prize

The Royal Society of Medicine’s Squint Forum has kindly donated a prize to BIPOSA delegates.

The prize is for the best strabismus free or strabismus rapid fire paper presented at the BIPOSA annual meeting. The prize is for £250 plus the opportunity to present the paper at the annual Squint Forum meeting at the Royal Society of Medicine

Submission & Deadline

Abstract submission is now closed

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