This year’s BIPOSA takes place

on Wednesday 01st – Friday03rd October, 2025

at the West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge

Information for free paper presentations

PowerPoint submission deadline

Noon on Monday 22nd September 2025

Submit to

Transfer your PowerPoint presentation file using the free file transfer service to the executive secretary

Changes to title, authors or content

We do not allow changes to the title, author or content. Your abstract should contain your outcomes, measurements and conclusions. Data should include the level of statistical significance. Changes that are identified may lead to the removal of your work


    1. PowerPoint
    2. Not Keynote
    3. 16:9 format ratio = widescreen (not 4:3)
    4. Maximum number of slides = 20 (includes welcome, thank you)
    5. Transitition effects – maximum of 10 in the presentation – overuse will result in rejection of the file
    6. You may include video (maximim play length 30 seconds)
    7. You may include audio
    8. BIPOSA does not require you to use a slide template. However, do not include advertising or commerical names or logos

Powerpoint slide master format

    1. Orientation = landscape
    2. Developed using 16:9 ratio (widescreen) NOT 4:3

Technical information

    1. Maximum permitted number of slides – 20
    2. Transitions / effects – maximum of 10 throughout whole presentation may be applied
    3. Images: highest resolution possible
    4. Video: maximum length of 30 seconds
    5. Dynamic content is distracting and timeconsuming; excessive use will not be tolerated and files will be rejected
    6. Best practice: a slide should be read and understood in 30 seconds or less
    7. Slides should NOT contain your entire presentation
    8. Speaker notes: do NOT include (you will not be able to see them)
    9. Consent: Ensure you have received patient consent to use images, test results or patient identifiable data
    10. Declaration: you declare at the start of your presentation any financial interest or otherwise

Audiovisual facilities

    1. tiered lecture with stage
    2. slide advance controller with pointer
    3. fixed microphone on the lectern
    4. comfort monitor, so you can see your slides
    5. countdown monitor, which shows the time you have for your presentation
    6. do not include speaker notes as you will not be able to see these

Changes after submission

Once you have submitted your presentation this will be sent to the technical team. We cannot allow changes

There will be a speaker preview room facility at the meeting, and depending on time available the technician may be able to assist you with minor changes to your presentation

Abstract submission

Read our guidelines before submitting an abstract

Submit an abstract

Annual Prizes, Bursaries and support

BIPOSA is pleased to announce that once again it will be supporting early career researchers, medics in training and orthoptists. For more detailed information on prizes visit our prizes section

Quick links

Submit Abstract

Meeting FAQ

Learn More

Info on Prizes

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