This year’s BIPOSA takes place

on Wednesday 01st – Friday03rd October, 2025

at the West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge

Abstract submission now open!

Abstracts for Cambridge

BIPOSA will accept abstract submissions related to paediatric ophthalmology, strabismus, strabismus surgery, vision therapy and vision assessment. However works with a related interest may be considered. The meeting will include free paper presentations, rapid-fire presentations and electronic posters


Each submitting (first author) may submit two abstract submissions.

On the abstract form, please indicate if you are submitting for a oral presentation, e-poster or either and whether the work is to be considered for paediatric, strabismus or either

Submitting / first author

The submitting / first named author is the person responsible for the abstract. They must register and attend the meeting.

If you have no intention of attending the meeting please do not submit an abstract. By submitting an abstract your in-person attendance is essential. BIPOSA faces significant challenges, including managing delegate expectations when confirmed speakers are absent. Exceptions will only be made for genuine last-minute emergencies. Consequences may include “blacklisting” and the automatic rejection of any abstract submissions for future meetings

Key dates

Abstract submission opening: 30th January 2025

Abstract submission deadline: 11th April 2025 (23:59)

Notifications to authors: 9th May 2025

Eposter authors register: by 01st August 2025 (or will be removed from programme)

Abstracts received after the deadline will not be accepted

Abstract submission

Only submissions on the abstract submission form will be accepted. This applies to all authors. All sections must be completed in full and a current valid email address for the submitting author must be provided

Scheme of work

Abstracts should be in English, grammatically correct, free of errors, spelling errors and follow the schemes outlined below.  

Do not include these headings in your abstract rather separate / indicate each section by a paragraph spacing only.

For studies, scientific research and audits

    • Purpose and introduction
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion
    • Conclusions

For case reports and case series reports

    • Introduction, history / background
    • Clinical findings
    • Management
    • Results, discussion
    • Conclusions

Important information

Once the abstract is submitted, we will not accept changes

The summary of results must be detailed enough to support your conclusions. We will not accept “the results will be discussed”

In general please avoid formulae

When introducing abbreviations or acronyms for the first time, they should be spelled out in full, followed by the abbreviation  or acronym in parentheses

Author declarations

You are required to let us know about the interest that ANY of the authors may have in the research work undertaken and if the work has been presented or published elsewhere

Author listing

The order of authors on a research paper is crucial, as it reflects each researcher’s level of contribution to the study, their specific responsibilities, and the amount of credit they should receive. BIPOSA does not accept changes to either the order of authors, the author listing or the addition/subtraction of authors. The listing must be correct at the time of submission.

Authors should be listed by first name then surname and separated by a comma (no initials, no titles, not in reverse) for example

June Smith, July Smith, August Smith

Smith J, Miss J Smith, A Smith X

Here’s an article from Research Gate about authorship

Institution listing

List institutions following the order of authors and it should relate to where the work was undertaken (not current hospital if that is different). Author affiliations should include the country. If all the authors work at the same institution it should look like this

 Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK

Include the main affiliation for each author; different instutitions should be indicated by superscript numbers, e.g. June Smith1, July Smith1, August Smith2

 1Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge, UK, 2Cambridge University, UK

Free paper and rapid fire presentations

Producing a good free paper presentation
Please check out our guidelines for presenting a free paper

Producing a good rapid fire presentation
Please check out our guidelines for presenting a rapid fire free paper


This year posters are all electronic posters. There are no paper posters

You must have a ticket for the meeting to show your e-poster and for it to be listed online

All poster authors must be registered by 01st August 2025 to be included in the listing and programme

Please check out our guidelines for producing a good e-poster


You will receive an automated email if your abstract has been successfully submitted to our server.  It is your responsibility to check that we have received your abstract submission. Confirmation or otherwise of acceptance of the abstract, and all associated documents will be sent to the email address you provide, so please include a valid and reliable email address