This year’s BIPOSA takes place

on Wednesday 01st – Friday03rd October, 2025

at the West Road Concert Hall, Cambridge


BIPOSA is a three day meeting which will take place at the West Road Concert Hall in Cambridge.

Places for BIPOSA will be confirmed on receipt of payment only. BIPOSA does not reserve places.

Everyone has to register and pay to attend BIPOSA.  There are options to register daily, for two days or three days. If you want to attend two days select the days you want to attend and pay double the daily rate. We offer a reduced rate for orthoptists only to attend Thursday & Friday. There are no other reduced rate combinations. It is less expensive if you register and book for all three days

On Wednesday evening there is a free drinks reception for all delegates

On Thursday evening we have arranged a three course dinner, with wine and a disco at King’s College. There is a £70 fee to attend this.

Membership registration fee rate

BIPOSA members ONLY receive the member reduced registration fee. BIPOSA membership is valid subject to approval by the Executive Committee PLUS payment of an annual subscription fee. BIOS membership does not count as BIPOSA membership.

If you  are not a member and would like to join BIPOSA please refer to the membership section and if you think you qualify submit an application before registering for the meeting. We do not accept retrospective membership applications. If you register as a member and you are not a member we will charge a £100 adminstration fee. If you are unsure about your membership please contact us before registering for the meeting

Registration payment options

You can register and pay by card or by bank transfer (email with your name, base hospital, grade and meeting registration requirements from the registration options listed below and we will send payment details once we have verified your registration)

For an invoice to a hospital trust please use the invoice request form and attach a copy of the Purchase Order. You can add up to five delegates.  The early bird registration rate applies to invoice requests made up to 30th April 2025. Invoice requests without a copy of the purchase order attached will be ignored. Last date for an invoice request is 15th August 2025

Invoice policy

BIPOSA is a registered charity. We provide an invoice on the understanding that a purchase order number will be provided and the invoice will be paid within 30 days. BIPOSA’s invoices are subject to the terms and conditions for the supply of goods and provision of services and you must pay within 30 days of the date on the invoice. BIPOSA will use a statutory demand to formally request payment of what we are owed if payment is not made within 30 days. The Trust will have 21 days to respond to this demand. BIPOSA will enforce the following charges if invoices are unpaid and we have to issue a statutory demand:

£70 administration fee plus £20 per each reminder letter / email sent plus interest will be charged per day at the statuatory interest rate – 8% plus the Bank of England base rate

Registration Fees

BIPOSA member early bird rates (applies to payments received before 31st May 2025)

BIPOSA Member consultant full meeting £350.00

BIPOSA Member orthoptist full meeting £300.00

BIPOSA Associate Member full meeting £300.00

BIPOSA member daily rate £130

Non-member early bird rates (applies to payments received before 31st May 2025)

Non-member consultant or SAS full meeting £400.00

non-Member Orthoptist band 8a-d, 9 or Head orthoptist full meeting £400.00

Allied health professional (nurse, vision scientist, optometrist, ODP) full meeting £370.00

Non-member medic in training or clinical / fellow full meeting £350.00

Non-member orthoptist full meeting (band 7 or lower) – HPC number required £350.00

Non-member daily rate £150

Special orthoptist rates for Thursday and Friday only * HPC number required (applies to payments received before 31st May 2025)

BIPOSA Orthoptist Member – Thurs/Fri £220.00

Orthoptist non-Member band 7 or lower – Thurs/Fri special rate £250.00

Orthoptist non-member 8a-d, 9 or Head – Thurs/Fri special rate £280.00

Medical students and Foundation Dr 1&2 – email ID and list of requirements for meeting (applies to payments received before 31st May 2025)

Medical Student special daily rate of £90 – photo ID of university card required, email ID for payment link

Foundation Dr level 1 or 2 special daily rate of £100 – photo hospital ID required, email ID for payment link

Social events

Reception on Wednesday evening free

Dinner ticket on Thursday evening – dinner and disco at King’s college £70.00

Cambridge FAQ

Please refer to our FAQ for more information on travel, accommodation, venue and meeting related information

Office hours

The BIPOSA office is open between 9 am – 5 pm, Mon – Fri

Queries will be dealt with during those times only

Cancellation policy

Before 31st August 2025, all refund requests are subject to a £75 administration fee. We will refund you by payment method minus the £75 plus card processing fees. Please provide a doctor note or letter of extenuating circumstances for requesting a refund. After 01st September 2025 we will consider your request for a refund, however, this is not guaranteed and is unlikely unless it is extenuating circumstances. For example major illness (not a minor illness), bereavement, hospital admission). Reasons such as minor illness such as cough or cold, tech failure or transport problems are not extenuating circumstances. Please provide supporting evidence for your request. Any refund after 01st September will be subject to a £150 fee

Quick links