07.00    BIPOSA Run

Release those endorphins. 

Meet at the Hilton Newcastle Gateshead foyer. Route around the Quayside and banks of river Tyne

08.15    Registration with refreshments at the posters and trade exhibition

Join us for welcome refreshments, browse the exhibition stands and view the posters

08.50   Welcome and housekeeping

Mr. Alan Connor, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle

Morning sessions

Session I (S)
Mechanical strabismus
Moderated by Miss Rafaela Schelle, Specialist Orthoptist, Sunderland

09.05           Strabismus surgical options in Thyroid Eye Disease – Mr Ian Marsh, Aintree

09.25           Orthoptic investigations and management in vertical strabismus – Dr Gemma Arblaster, Lecturer in Orthoptics, Sheffield

09.40           Between rock and a hard place – Mr Manoj Parulekar, Birmingham and Oxford

10.00           Discussion and questions

Session II (P) (S)
Rapid-fire paper presentations
Moderators: Mr Alan Connor and Miss Helen Haggerty, Newcastle

10.17           Do you see what I see? Confidence in Assessment for Cerebral Visual Impairment in children with Profound and Multiple Learning Disability – Louise Allen

10.22           Presenting features, assessment, progression rates and underlying aetiology in infants and young children presenting with high myopia – Katie Williams

10.27           Are Orthoptic Telephone Consultations an Effective Alternative? – Michelle Blyth

10.32           The architect’s apprentice: a readily available (Amazon), cheap, reliable tool for measurement of Abnormal Head Posture for nystagmus surgery – Aabgina Shafi

10.37           Central tenectomy as a useful surgical tool in re-do strabismus surgery: A case series – Fadi Ghazala

10.42           Botulinum toxin injections in patients with glaucoma drainage devices – Rathin Pujari

10.47           Mycoplasma pneumoniae-associated uveitis and orbital inflammation: Another face of the masquerade – Ahmed Wanas

10.52           My baby has unusual eye movements – Reena Dave

10.57           Ocular manifestations of moyamoya disease – Elewys Hearne

11.02           Modified Augmented Nishida procedure: our initial experience – Rita Prajapati

11.07           Investigation of superior oblique tendon anatomy with respect to surgical approaches – Charles Talks

11.12           Moderators’ round-up

11.15    Refreshments at the posters and the trade exhibition

Session III (P) (S)
Roger Trimble Lecture introduced by Prof Anna Horwood, Reading
Associate Professor Kyle Arnoldi, Buffalo, New York

“Quantum Mechanics, Dark Matter, and a Unified Field Theory: examining the complex relationship between eye alignment and binocular vision”

12.45   Lunch at the posters and the trade exhibition

Afternoon sessions

Session IV (S) (P)
Medically unexplained visual loss and paediatric optic neuritis
Moderated by Mr Javid Suleman, Middlesbrough

13.50           Assessing and investigating functional visual loss in children – Dr Annegret Dahlman-Noor, London

14.05          Electrodiagnostic assessment of paediatric organic and non-organic visual loss – Prof Neil Parry, Consultant Clinical Scientist, Manchester

14.20          Paediatric optic neuritis – Prof Ming Lim, London 

14.35          Functional/medically unexplained symptoms in paediatric ophthalmology –   A Psychological Perspective – Dr Rosey Ferris, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Middlesbrough & Ms Yasmin Tanfield, Clinical Psychologist, Middlesbrough

14.55           Questions

Session V (P) (S)
Free Paper presentations
Moderators: Miss Yevukai Jaya, Sunderland and Miss Simranjeet Aulakh, Durham

-15.02           Why psychological support matters for young people with visual impairment (VI); parental voices – Richa Aspland

15.11           Paediatric Visual Impairment in England and Wales: A retrospective study (2009-2022) – Matthew Feyissa

15.20           Case series of Optic Neuropathy caused by Vitamin A deficiency in children – Christine Bourke

15.29           Is isolated inferior rectus weakness a strong indicator for myasthenia gravis? – Emma Butterworth

15.38           Retrospective review of features, investigation and management of acquired esotropia in high myopia (heavy eye syndrome) at Moorfields Eye Hospital – Aditi Das

15.47           Long term outcome of treatment of ROP and Changing trend in ROP treatment: Leeds teaching Hospital Experience – Ashish Kumar

15.56           Moderator’s round up

16.00   Refreshments at the posters and the trade exhibition

Session VI (P) (S)
My worst strabismus surgery complication
Moderated by Mr Mahmoud Nassar, Newcastle

16.35           PITS and PERF. How I got it wrong- so wrong! – Mr Bob Taylor, York

16.45           Quit when you are ahead – Mr Saurabh Jain, London

16.55           Strabismus Hokey Cokey – Mr John Somner, Cambridge

17.05           Discussion and questions

17.15    Closing remarks

17.20    END

19.00 Dinner and disco at the Biscuit Factory (ticketed event)

The Bicuit Factory, Stoddart Street, Newcastle upon Tyne –

The Biscuit Factory is the UK’s largest independent contemporary art, craft & design gallery set in the heart of Newcastle’s cultural quarter. Housed in a former Victorian warehouse it is a beautiful gallery space are set over two floors, displaying a range of contemporary fine art, sculpture, original prints and jewellery.